Must Read Book Reviews
Book Reviews by Gretchen
Not all books are created equal! There are tons of children’s books. Some of these are great and many are not. Finding the right books that are beneficial to a child’s upward development is the most important step.
Books can make powerful impressions upon the brain and mind of a child, causing the brain to build neurons according to the data that it receives. Each image or impression stimulates powerful mental imagery and imagination within the brain and mind – for the better or for worse.
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“4 Kid Whisper Book Review Tips”
The Astonishing Power Of Emotions
In my opinion, there isn’t a better book available for explaining how the emotions work and...
The Law Of Attraction
If you are in need of full clarity about how the Law of Attraction works and how to use it,...
Think On These Things Krishnamurti
This book is a Q & A narrative masterpiece. J. Krishnamurti clearly posses the insight...
You Can Heal Your Life
This Louise Hay book is another “must have” for your library and one that you can use forever....
Who I AM Now A Reflection Of Heaven
Some of the most powerful affirmations ever written are contained within the pages of this...
The Wisdom Of Florence Scovel Schinn
This is another one of my all-time favorites. Her teachings are deep and timeless. No matter...
The Power Of Now
There’s a reason this book has sold over 2 million copies. It is a wonderful foundational book...
A New Earth Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose
This is my all-time favorite Eckhart Tolle book. For someone just beginning the process of...
The Biology Of Belief
This would be an excellent book to put on every high school reading list – and beneficial...
Happiness Genes Unlock The Potential Hidden In Your DNA
Are you curious and longing for a better understanding about your human potential? If so, this...
Healing With Whole Foods
This is the perfect self-help book on healing through nutrition. For me, I classify it as “mid...
Indigo Ocean Dreams Children’s Audio Book
This is an audio CD of “four children’s stories designed to decrease stress, anger, anxiety...
What Does Peace Feel Like? Children’s Book
Cultivating mindful awareness in children and adults is essential for our brain development...
The Seasons Of Arnold’s Apple Tree Children’s Book
One of the biggest mistakes that we’ve made within our current cultures is to disconnect ourselves...
Thank You World Children’s Books
Expressing gratitude for all things great and small is a very powerful and potent activity...
It’s Ok To Be Different Childrens Books
This is a cute and colorful book that encourages very young children to maintain their recognition...
With You All The Way Children’s Book
While all the storybooks by Max Lucado are terrific, “With You All The Way” is of particular...
Have You Filled A Bucket Today? A Guide To Daily Happiness For Kids
Creating happy children isn’t a goal we achieve – it’s something we mindfully cultivate. This...