This is an audio CD of “four children’s stories designed to decrease stress, anger, anxiety while increasing self-esteem and self-awareness”.
Indigo Ocean Dreams Children’s Audio Book

This is an audio CD of “four children’s stories designed to decrease stress, anger, anxiety while increasing self-esteem and self-awareness”.
Cultivating mindful awareness in children and adults is essential for our brain development and establishing joy and resiliency in life. The senses are instruments that work intricately with our brain and heart to establish greater proficiency in these areas. I particularly like this book for many reasons. First, they effectively use the senses.
One of the biggest mistakes that we’ve made within our current cultures is to disconnect ourselves from nature. This book is richly layered with wonderful messages to imbed into your child’s subconscious.
Expressing gratitude for all things great and small is a very powerful and potent activity that you can train your child to embrace at an early age. This book is filled with a variety of serenely illustrated images that encourage your child to be appreciative of different cultures,
This is a cute and colorful book that encourages very young children to maintain their recognition and celebration of diversity. The simple messages within the book conditions little brains and minds to normalize and accept differences
While all the storybooks by Max Lucado are terrific, “With You All The Way” is of particular relevance at this point in our human development. The story eloquently teaches us that if we are still and listen, we WILL be able to hear The (real) Voice within, which is the Divine (Spirit, God, Source, The All, etc.) speaking through our intuition.
Creating happy children isn’t a goal we achieve – it’s something we mindfully cultivate.